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handsome-bawb asked: A woman on Chopped just compared herself to Beethoven. This is your country.






…What does that mean, is she the Beethoven of cooking? Can she not taste?

She has a very restricted diet. She said too many words for me to remember, but I think I heard something about vegan and gluten. Posibbly. 

Also she spells her name “Jaquy”

Oh, yeah that does sound like the sort of person who would compare themself to Beethoven. Is she good at cooking?

Hard to say. But I do feel confident in saying I’d be a better cook. 

Pretty big talk considering nearly even time I’ve seen you eat, it’s take out. 

Jaquy got chopped. 

Fine, I suppose I’ll just have to show up in your kitchen and make you food sometime <3