雅-MIYAVI- Birthday project details

So Miyavi’s birthday is getting near which means it’s time for another birthday project. We have 2 ideas combined together.

1. A Tshirt
2. A video message.

These two projects are linked.
How you may ask?

The video message part
You have to come up with a sentence which you think describes Miyavi best; however the word Samurai is not allowed to be used.

The video will start with the message “MIYAVI is….”
Everyone will just need to record themselves saying what MIYAVI is to them in one sentence ( no need to repeat the [MIYAVI is])

Example : (MIYAVI is) a big part of what changed my life, he’s not just a musician, or guitarist, he’s our superhero.
- that’s just an example.

The video needs to be around 10 -15 seconds, and doesn’t necessarily have to be of yourself, you can film something you think MIYAVI would like seeing as well.

Unfortunately for this project we only plan to have either sound or video. I understand that some of you may not have the confidence to do a video message but you can just record your voice if you want and that will be fine too. You may be thinking “aaaah I can not express myself in english” Well, it’s okay because you can record yourself in your own language.

When emailing us your video/sound message, please include the following information;
* Name
* Country
* The words which you used to describe Miyavi. (if you have used your own language, please try and include a English translation of it if possible, as we will be subtitling the video message)

The T-shirt part
This is the fun part, when you have sent your video message to us, your sentence and country will automatically go into the design of the T-shirt. Just to give you a clearer image of what we mean. 

The words you sent and country will be forming a big SAMURAI text on the front of the shirt, and the kanji for SAMURAI (侍) on its back. So the end result will look good. It’s a simple and nice design which we think will suit Miyavi well. 

I know that sending an email for only the T-shirt is very simple and easy which is why we want you guys to be more involved and do the video message too! We need to express Miyavi that through him we have came together and wishing him a happy birthday and describing what he is to us. We are CoMiyavi and Miyavi is our leader :)So let’s all get together and do something special for him!

Please submit your entries to: projects [at] comyvz-crew [dot] com
Deadline: September 3rd (GMT)

Written by @iRIN382 
Editted by @comyvzcrew_bu & @gizorz

20 notes / 11 years ago

tagged as: miyavi, comyvz-crew, fanproject, birthday project,
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