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93 Notes

“ robdelaney:
Sometimes it feels like you’re just crying into a void about something you’re not even sure you have the right to be sad about. But then you realize someone was listening and you feel a...



Sometimes it feels like you’re just crying into a void about something you’re not even sure you have the right to be sad about. But then you realize someone was listening and you feel a little better. Thanks for being my someone sometimes, Rob Delaney.



  1. thirddeadlysin reblogged this from robdelaney
  2. phantasci-blog said: I was lucky enough to interview her. Super cool lady.
  3. putseatbeltsonyourears reblogged this from robdelaney
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  6. rissadee reblogged this from robdelaney
  7. raspberrypatch reblogged this from robdelaney and added:
    I probably won’t have to tell you to read from bottom to top..
  8. meredithmo reblogged this from caissiesthing
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  10. blind-diode reblogged this from robdelaney and added:
    it would be cool to be well-known for something besides entertainment, that way you don’t have to kill too many...
  11. robdelaney posted this

