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“ A tiny note: when it comes to people who like Wes Anderson’s movies, you’re either into his whole thing or you’re like “it got kind of lame after Royal Tenenbaums.” If you are me, you think Rushmore was really the apex.


A tiny note: when it comes to people who like Wes Anderson’s movies, you’re either into his whole thing or you’re like “it got kind of lame after Royal Tenenbaums.” If you are me, you think Rushmore was really the apex.

So anyways, as Wes Anderson goes on and continues to make films, the thing that’s lacking about his current work… doesn’t it reflect well on Owen Wilson, co-writer of Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and The Royal Tenenbaums? Doesn’t it seem like Owen Wilson has stuff to say about class and striving and just being human in a cruel world where Anderson just wants to do a lot of mise en scene that doesn’t amount to much?

In the Wes Anderson ovuere, there’s all this negative space around Owen Wilson, screenwriter, and I’m finding that I really like his writing and perspective, even if it got lost in “Owen Wilson, Movie Star.” It’s fascinating. 

Good theory.



  1. othernotebooksareavailable said: I had no idea Owen Wilson was a co writer. Anderson needs him. One of the strongest things in any of his films for me was that bit in DL where Wilson’s character talks about how he tried to kill himself. Right after Wilson had tried to do the same.
  2. semperidem said: I am you!
  3. formerlydietcock said: If you consider that Anderson basically replaced him as collaborator with Noah Baumbach, it moves to the whole other side of spectrum of twee navel-gaze.
  4. muffbluff reblogged this from elisabethdonnelly-blog and added:
    “a lot of mise en scene that doesn’t amount to much”! Yes! The only compliment I could muster up after seeing Moonrise...
  5. mootpoint said: This was like a huge duh moment for me.
  6. yrfriendliz said: OH MY GOD ELISABETH YES. Wes Anderson - Owen Wilson = :(
  7. meredithmo reblogged this from elisabethdonnelly-blog and added:
    Good theory.
  8. richardrushfield said: Precisely! The Anderson world evaporated into candy coated mists once he stopped writing with Owen. We need Owen Wilson to write a screenplay on his own so we can have a real comparison.
  9. elisabethdonnelly-blog posted this

