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42 Notes

“ This is an illustration of, we believe, a fighter jet, pirate ship, and naked backside of a woman drawn by this morning’s shooter at the Empire State Building. How he describes it:
“ Wading into Sarasota Bay she was anticipating a...


This is an illustration of, we believe, a fighter jet, pirate ship, and naked backside of a woman drawn by this morning’s shooter at the Empire State Building. How he describes it:

Wading into Sarasota Bay she was anticipating a relaxing moonlight swim out to the Pirate ship. Hurtling into the periphery of her vision in a blur of fiery motion, a Phantom screamed overhead into the nightscape. It was so low she had seen the reflection of it’s burners on the ocean’s surface. She’d been startled and forgot to dive in…they’ll have lot’s to talk about tomorrow!


Uh, what?



  1. fillingupthedays reblogged this from cheatsheet and added:
    *added to “crazy people art folder”*
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    The Internet, Ladies and Gentleman (Part 1 of God Knows How Many)
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  9. cheatsheet reblogged this from newsweekscience and added:
    So weird.
  10. demoura reblogged this from newsweekscience
  11. meredithmo reblogged this from newsweekscience and added:
    Uh, what?
  12. laughterkey reblogged this from newsweekscience and added:
    Oh Jesus was this guy from Sarasota?
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