
The art that decorates the insides of my mind
“ partlystarsmostlyvoid:
“ madmenandmayhem:
“ evilspice:
“ toyota:
“ damn the pope about to preach some sick verses
the guy beatboxing behind him
“the guy” is the italian president
P-Francis and the Prez ”
“I will now rap John...






damn the pope about to preach some sick verses

the guy beatboxing behind him

“the guy” is the italian president

P-Francis and the Prez

“I will now rap John 15, verses 1-17. Prez, drop the beat.”

I sneezed on the beat and it was miraculously cured

(via incessantmentalrant)

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    Contributions from Pinterest lol: My name is the Pope / and I really do hope / y'all been readin’ dat book / or I'mma...
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