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Just some cybermen

chillin’ out

doing stuff


And that’s why classic Cybermen are the best

Everything is better in the UK.

Wow, I had no idea they looked like that. They look like they should be selling matresses at a substantial discount!

  1. cymae-mesa reblogged this from cymae-mesa
  2. mrsdrdavison-blog reblogged this from chralotte and added:
    Adding this to my reference pic arsenal!
  3. chralotte reblogged this from ravenskyewalker
  4. comewalkwithmeintothelight-blog reblogged this from gailsimone
  5. f-ckn-sh-t-blog reblogged this from gailsimone
  6. culturalgutter reblogged this from gailsimone
  7. clockworkheartbeat reblogged this from gailsimone
  8. obscenemachine reblogged this from ceebee-eebee
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  10. covertmachine-blog reblogged this from gailsimone
  11. achildbornofthestars-blog reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    i saw this and i started freaking out… doctor who… you’re way too good…
  12. hoodie22 reblogged this from gailsimone
  13. landofoooofap reblogged this from gailsimone
  14. tehriz reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    Classic Cybermen were pretty awesome. (see additional picture below)
  15. fyeahlilbit3point0-blog reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    You say that now, but you wouldn’t be so snarky when they started breaking fingers!
  16. doctorwaitwhat posted this