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  1. iam-artist reblogged this from atopfourthwall and added:
    Considering that the Editor in Chief is a baldy, its probably not that much of a stretch
  2. makiruz reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    Wow, you are so kind and gracious. I can’t, I’ll be belligerent in my hatred towards DC; you are one of the few smart,...
  3. internetotaku reblogged this from gailsimone
  4. ladydrawers reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    Gail Simone is a pro and all, but this was an incredibly dick move on DC’s part. And that is term we do not use lightly.
  5. thegeekgirlwhatrules reblogged this from gailsimone
  6. thewivesofriversong reblogged this from gailsimone
  7. pictureofmydress reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    What a classy way to handle a fairly classless firing, Ms. Simone; I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
  8. giggle-fit reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    I cheered so loud when you came onstage at the DC panel, Gail. It means a lot to see a woman write such great comic...
  9. bridgemcgidge reblogged this from gailsimone
  10. shnurshnur reblogged this from gailsimone
  11. neilnotniel reblogged this from gailsimone and added:
    Truly a lady as classy as she is talented! Someone at Marvel hire her now NOW!!!!
  12. treehouseofgalactus reblogged this from gailsimone
  13. batnet-blog reblogged this from gailsimone
  14. gailsimone posted this