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At The Gutter: Ray Harryhausen and Me: A Life of High Adventure and Escapism


Guest Star Miguel Rodriguez shares his love of Clash of the Titans and Ray Harryhausen:

When I was too young to really remember, I was taken to this film in the theater. Because I have no real memory of that experience, I am amazed by my true first memory of Clash of the Titans (1981). It all happened because of a wonderful non-profit program called Reading is Fundamental, or Reading is Fun as we called it when I was in elementary school. Many of you know about this: kids are given a colorful little RIF catalog on toilet-paper-thin newsprint paper with a wealth of covers and titles to choose from. Their parents help to make an order, and then, weeks later, the classroom desk is stacked high with the books that kids have ordered. It was like Christmas. And one of the books I had chosen was an oversized hardcover children’s book version of Ray Harryhausen’s Clash of the Titans movie.

You can find Miguel at Monster Island Resort Podcast and Horrible Imaginings Film Festival.

(Photography taken by Miguel Rodriguez)

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