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Cover and first page from Evan Munday’s fun and hilarious The Dead Kid Detective Agency: Au Revoir, Mr. O'Shea.

Thirteen-year-old October Schwartz is new in town, short on friends, and the child of a clinically depressed science teacher. Naturally, she spends most of her time in the Sticksville Cemetery, which just happens to border her backyard. And that backyard just happens to be the home of five dead teenagers, each from a different era of the past: there’s the dead United Empire Loyalist! The dead escaped slave who made her way north via the Underground Railroad! The dead quintuplet!

Soon, October befriends the five dead kids. Together — using October’s smarts and the dead kids’ abilities to walk through walls and get around undetected and stuff — they form The Dead Kid Detective Agency, committed to solving Sticksville’s most mysterious mysteries. October’s like Nancy Drew, if she’d hung out with corpses.

Evan has kindly donated 5 signed copies to our indiegogo campaign, Gutter-A-Go-Go Raids Again!  Please consider donating and you can immerse yourself in the mysteries of Sticksville, Ontario while supporting thoughtful writing about disreputable art.

ECW Press has a longer excerpt here.

Check out our campaign here.