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At The Gutter: The Shrieking Horror of Castle Lemongrab


Comics Editor Carol dares face the terror that is Adventure Time’s Earl of Lemongrab:

Made from lemons—or possibly lemon candy—the Earl of Lemongrab is one of Princess Bubblegum’s creations in the animated television series, Adventure Time. (I’ve also written about Adventure Time, here). As Princess Bubblegum tells Finn (hero of Adventure Time), “He was the first one of my experiments gone wrong” (“Too Young”) and Lemongrab has gone very wrong since he was brought to life late one night. He is one of the most disturbing Frankensteins* I’ve ever seen. In fact, Lemongrab is the first creature who has instilled in me the sense of utter wrongness that characters in Frankenstein feel upon encountering Victor Frankenstein’s stitched-together son. I so often identify with the monster, that it is fascinating to sympathize with those he freaks the hell out.

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