“fill the unforgiving minute” is from If by Rudyard Kipling, and for me it is about living a full and complete life. about filling every single second with life. it's about living your life in-spite, or because of, your limitations. being motivated and driven. about challenging yourself. about being a self-starter. about motivating, inspiring, and supporting others. its about being out of step with the world, walking against the flow, and sometimes uphill, in the rain. it's about being yourself against the odds.

I’m trying to fill my unforgiving minute, are you?



a guy walked into the board room and said

“hi sweetheart if you could fix me up a coffee real quick im meeting with the regional reports manager in like five minutes, thanks darling”

and i just stared at him and coldly said

“i am the regional reports manager”

we are now twenty minutes into this board meeting and i dont think i’ve ever seen a man look so embarrassed and afraid in my whole life

If I only had a $1 for every time something like this had happened to me. Yes I’m female and I still look 18 (I’m nearly 30) but guess what stud I’m your superior. Suck it.

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