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100 Illustrators that all Illustrators should know: #17

Winsor McCay (1871-1934)

Country: United States

Famous for: Little Nemo in Slumberland, Gertie the Dinosaur, Political cartoons

Influenced: Disney, Carl Barks, Robert Crumb, Art Spiegelman, Ron Cobb, Maurice Sendak, Berke Breathed

Influenced by: Alphonse Mucha, Art Nouveau, Poetry, Albrecht Durer, Gustave Doré

Winsor McCay was an American illustrator, cartoonist and animator, most well known for his comic-strip series, Little Nemo. He became a master of linear perspective, as evidenced by his comics and cartoons, and he also experimented with page layout and panel layout quite a bit. Few other comics would try to be as bold and experimental as his until comic illustrators like Hal Foster and Roy Crane came into popularity. McCay was also an early animation guru, creating such films as Gertie the Dinosaur and The Sinking of the Lusitania. In the field of animation, he pioneered the use of techniques such as inbetweening and cycling, which became industry standards from that point forward. He was a very ambitious artist and completed 10 animated films of his own between 1911 and 1921. 

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