October 18, 2014
“ im so confused
me too


im so confused

me too

6:31pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Z8L_Om1TTzOHG
Filed under: submission post queer 
  1. socialjusticeswitzerland reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    People seem to forget sexuality is what SEX you’re attracted to. Not gender. That’s why it’s called SEXuality.
  2. rickseriastar reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  3. swedebeast reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    I believe it may be popular amongst the trans/non-binary gender crowd. Bisexuality is the attraction to typical males...
  4. mykinkisghosts reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  5. probably-not-a-turtle reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  6. no-im-castiel-deactivated201411 submitted this to wtfsocialjustice