July 27, 2014
Things my family says when we drink together

They have outlined an incentive plan to further my emotional/romantic development.

My mother has said that she’ll be disappointed if I haven’t had a smooch by the time I turn 21.

The whole family has that that for five bucks, I must go on at least two dates with a boy (who likes women, in some capacity) in whom I am romantically interested.

For another ten dollars, I must have a mouth-to-mouth kiss lasting at least three seconds.

For another twenty, I must go the full coitus.

Should I attempt to bamboozle my way out of this (loopholing, etc.), the contract will be void and I will receive no money.

This is an exceedingly desperate move on their part, and I think they overestimate how much I care.

  1. sexysalomonandthecurtainchild reblogged this from vanilla-pancake-face and added:
    Do you have to split the money with the boy?
  2. vanilla-pancake-face posted this