October 1, 2014

I’m afraid I’m not cut out for grad school, guys. Like, I had to meet with a professor to discuss this supplemental reading today, and I got really nervous and couldn’t articulate my thoughts correctly. And now I’m waiting around on campus for my next class, but I don’t know where anything is in the library and I’m afraid to wander around because then someone might ask if I’m lost and everyone here smokes and walks really fast and cuts you off everywhere and I’m sitting in this public café area and there’s so many people here and soon I have to go to class with the same professor I embarrassed myself in front of this morning, and she probably thinks I’m really stupid and now I’ll never get into the doctoral program because she’s going to write me a bad recommendation.

  1. arctic-revenge said: Woah girly, take a breath. It’s gonna be ok. Grad school’s a scary thing, I’ve heard it from everyone. But it’s not impossible and if anyone can fight through it, it’s you. Don’t let the anxiety take over. Take it bit by bit. :)
  2. lunalovegreat posted this