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rain on me

I was crabby last night…my roommate even noticed it.  "you seem…not in a good mood…?“ I actually don’t think she’s ever said that to me before…and as I sat there in my rain soaked clothes, all I could come up with was "I’m tired of being rained on”. ha, oh how metaphorical I could get with that!  

But, in actuality, I have been rained on now three times while running home from work.  It’s a short run, just under three miles. But, in the past week, the clear skies have turned to grey, and, I swear, the SECOND I put my running shoe on the sidewalk, it has started to rain.  And not just a drizzle, but a downpour….Interestingly, it has also seemed to STOP raining the second I arrived at my doorstep.  Honestly, I am not exaggerating.  

The first time this happened, I honestly giggled all the way home.  What timing, I thought!  The second time, I giggled, sucked the rain water off my upper lip, squinted through the rain, and happily made it home.  But, the THIRD time this happened, I stalled under bridges, called friends for rides (to no avail), cursed my horrible timing, took a deep breath, and ran home. When it stopped raining just before I reached my building, my happy running self just couldn’t stay positive anymore…why is god raining on MEEEEEE?? haha, yes, that dramatic.  I would also like to say that this run actually started with a bolt of lightening and immediate thunder as I walked outside…rain started about 3 minutes later.  REALLY?!  so now god is being dramatic too…michelle stepped outside in her running clothes, strike her with lightening!  mwahaha!

It is actually pretty funny…

So, I ran home.  I took my shoes off outside the apartment and stuffed them with newspaper (which is becoming a regular routine for me at this point), I walked into my living room and stared at the city in amazement; as the clouds began clearing, the sun began to shine, I stood sopping wet, dripping in my living room… 

Sometimes it seems like the world is just raining on YOU.  I feel this mostly when I find myself comparing myself to others…what a silly thing to do!  Our egos so often convince us that we need to be different, better, above those around us.  It seems to be part of our “survival of the fittest” wiring.  But look at what havoc that wreaks on our emotional and spiritual bodies!  My oh my, how my internal body was in a knot last night!  

Our natural wellness and power is in our connection to the underlying source of all creation…denying that brings us anxiety, nervousness, anger, disconnect, feelings of being lost.  When I feel I am resisting my current moment, when the rain seems to be pouring only on me, I have to let go of my identification with my ego…reconnect with the self that is me beyond my mind.  I slow my mind, slow my breath, and allow the quiet voice of my spirit to remind me that I am safe, loved, whole, healthy, and at peace.

Today I ran to work and it wasn’t raining…until I got into my office…then the skies opened up :-)