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Preview: POSE, REVOK and Brett Amory at Jonathan LeVine Gallery

Coming up at Jonathan LeVine Gallery, graffiti artists POSE and REVOK will open a two-person exhibition titled “Uphill Both Ways” on June 29 curated by Roger Gastman. While REVOK is known for his abstract assemblages, POSE works with a similar tropical color palette to create multi-layered paintings inspired by Pop Art and comic books alike. During their stay in NYC, POSE and REVOK will collaborate on a mural at the Goldman Properties in Manhattan. Brett Amory (featured in Hi-Fructose Vol. 20) will debut a concurrent solo show titled “Twenty-Four in New York.” A follow-up to last year’s show “Twenty-Four in San Francisco,” the exhibition combines paintings, video footage and found objects to give an impression of 24 hours in New York City, guided by Amory’s obsession with lonely wanderers and solitary, idle figures. Take a look at our preview of both shows, images courtesy of Jonathan LeVine Gallery, below.

MORE: http://hifructose.com/2013/06/21/preview-pose-revok-and-brett-amory-at-jonathan-levine-gallery/



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