
HoW WE Will ChaNgE ThE World

Change comes from the effort to be better than you are right now. We will strive to be the best, create the best and live the best.


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Come February 2012, we will meet again. We will meet, because we are just beginning what we came to accomplish. We will meet again, because we will work together to realize a change in your surroundings. We will meet again, because life has destined for our paths to cross. We will meet again, because we have unfinished business.

In February 2012, the World Education Foundation will make the next step in creating sustainable energy infrastructure in the East Africa. We are beginning our first phase of creating an operational infrastructure which will introduce domestically processed alternative energies. With the rise and increase in population over the next 20 years, it will be paramount that Africa weens itself off of imported fossil fuels. This will not only create new jobs and income for the communities, but also give them the freedom to grow without being directly tied to fossil diesel imports. This will be a long task, but we aim to not only affect those living now, but generations to come, while considering the environment.

One small step in the right direction now, can lead to millenniums of progress in the future.

Join up and let us know your thoughts concerning alternative energies. 


  1. globalmarques posted this

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