Man The Fuck Up, Daily

I recently had a tragic loss in my family, my grandmother passed away at the age of 86 last week. While you may say that she lived a long life, you would be judging that off of what you may interpret as a long life. Here is a link to the newspaper...

I recently had a tragic loss in my family, my grandmother passed away at the age of 86 last week.  While you may say that she lived a long life, you would be judging that off of what you may interpret as a long life.  Here is a link to the newspaper write up about her and the  picture above is the park that is named after her.  

Well if you accomplish a fraction of what this woman has in 86 years people will look back at you and remember your accomplishments.  I think about my Nonna, and how she was always keeping busy doing something.  Cooking, cleaning her house, canning sauce, tending to her garden, mowing her lawn, yes she did all of this up until the age 80, as well as working full time until 83.  This is really just the tip of the iceberg.  She would cook and bring food to the old folks home.  I know imagine an 80 year old bringing food to an old folks home.  

She was a vault of old world proverbs and knowledge.  These sayings sound crazy when you are a kid.  As a 31 year old adult these sayings ring in my head all day and hold so much truth.  Here are some examples some of the ones that you may have heard but need to hear again.  "A bird in hand is better then 2 in the bush", “The proof is in the pudding”, one of my most hated as a kid was “whistle while you work”.  This is really just a couple off the top of my head as I could have you reading proverbs for hours.  

The point is keep moving forward.

My philosophy is, “if you are not moving forward your moving backward.”  Let me explain.  Imagine yourself floating a foot above earth.  You have to move forward in order to keep up with everyone and everything around you.  If you stop moving forward the world keeps spinning without you.  

Get something done everyday, you will feel better knowing that something got done.  Never waste an opportunity to get a task done.  She wouldn’t say MTFU she would just do it everyday!

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