Under the bus I go.

There are two girls in my second period who are super excited to share the goings-on in their lives with me, pretty much every day after class they’ll pause to chat. Normally this bugs me, as I like to mentally prep for the next section, but not from these ladies. Because, you see, one day the word ‘fandom’ came up in class.

It was relevant to the conversation, so when someone asked what it was, I answered, and the conversation carried over to fanfiction – but when the next comment from someone in the popular-jock-prep crowd edged on the wrong side of judge-y, I nipped it in the bud by sharing with the class that I used to write fanfiction when I was in high school and I strongly believe it contributed to my strong writing skills.

There were curious and/or taken-aback looks – from that fellow and many others – that said “oh” or “well then” around the room, but not from those two previously mentioned girls. Their expressions communicated only pure glee.

[Ma made sure I was always firmly on Team Underdog.]