April 18, 2014
New YouYou tries to insert the finger…


Morning Burnchums…sorry for the silence.  I’ve been too busy having my anus played with by the vile tongue of New YouYou to remember my obligations as a blogger and a citizen!

So…here I am…back with you lot…and why?  To share my Facebook status updates about New YouYou from yesterday…that’s why!  Here they are…in all their unadulterated glory hole - 

“New YouYou has decided to have me make up all of the daycare classes that I’ve missed over the last year due to illness, school excursions, science day etc. I have eleven days left at this school and she’s trying to cram these lessons in to my full schedule without any sort of overtime (I’m already at 22 classes per week). I told her that it’s not going to work.

She’s on the phone to GEPIK now…and I’m really hoping that they tell her to go and get stuffed.

I shall update as more facts come to hand”

New YouYou is still on the phone. She’s not going down without saying my name a lot!

She’s spent long enough on the phone complaining about it, that if she’d just gone to the day care room and taught the kids, she would still have come out ahead.

Hate is a powerful motivator.

She’s desperately counting my lessons for the next week and a bit…scanning…searching for some missed lesson or skipped class…praying that she can fit in some extra daycare without handing over 20k per lesson.

She’s calling someone else now…or maybe GEPIK again…I don’t know.

She’s off the phone and muttering to herself. i might go and have a poo.

She’s mid to late forties, but in any reasonable discussion she’s only good for two sentences of reasoned conversation before she raises her voice and becomes irate. I really try to choose my first two sentences carefully these days.

Update - 

She’s stormed out of the office muttering and shaking her head. I’m sure that she’s going to be carefully scrutinising my schedule to see if there are any potential cancelations that she can add a bit of daycare too. 

It’s Sports Day on May 1st, but that’s a holiday for me anyway…will she try to schedule extra classes on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of that week to make up for the fact that there’s Sports Day on the Thursday? 

If she gets that into her head, I’m fucked! hahahaha

She’s special.

What normally happens is, the Head Teacher calls the Co Teacher. The Head Teacher makes outlandish claims. The Co Teacher explains how the contract works. The Head Teacher backs off.

What happens here. The Head Teacher calls her. She gets outraged and offended on the Head Teacher’s behalf. She storms into my classroom and demands (with all of the charm and grace of a Mafia standover man) that I agree to her list of nonsense. When i say no…she loses her shit and usually calls my recruiter. No shit. She calls the fucking recruiter about shit. She’s so clueless that she thinks that the recruiters job is to act as a go-between for our conversations. Thank fuck my recruiter is patient.

She will blow about this for three days…then she’ll find something else to get outraged by.

I’m happy to not be working with her for the full year.

I just hate this sort of thing. Having a grown woman yell at me like I’m a student and search for every single way that she can to make my work day shit. I’ve been doing this long enough to not take it personally, but sitting here and waiting for her to come back to the office at some point and lose her rag at me…it’s no way to live.

Still…I’ll try and voice record her nest outburst…see if I can’t get a ringtone out of it 

The worst thing is knowing that she’s going to be a shit about every penny from now until I’m done. She will try.

She’s back in the office. She’s on the phone again…she’s saying GEPIK and ‘foreign teacher’ and my name a lot.

So it’s not over!

She has wasted two hours and twenty minutes on this so far…or three and a half day care classes.

Phone rings…she answers it…I hear my name a few times…and she’s off out the door again still with my contract firmly in hand.

Needs a hobby!

Leaving school…at the front gate…she calls and asks me back to the 5th floor. Gonna miss my bus. On my way upstairs now. 

Not happy.

We reached a new low. She claimed that the 22 hours per week in my contract is 'an average’ over a year. She then accused me of being dishonest for not asking to teach these classes and instead waiting to be told.

I told her that it’s her job to ask m
e to make up time where my schedule allows.

She then said that the contract isn’t real and it’s followed differently at every school.

I explained to her that I’ve been doing this for long enough to know that’s bullshit, and if she had nothing better to do than hold me back after school and lie to me, then I would be on my way.

She then yelled 'YOU WILL TEACH DA CLASSES!!!’.

I replied, “yes, I promise you that if you can drag me in front of the students and somehow force me to teach them…I will teach them anything you like.”

Then I left.

Now I’m in a taxi because I missed my bus.

Nine working days left with her.

  1. burndogturns-blog posted this
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