"… I am convinced that the readers today are ahead of most of their papers. This spells opportunity to young men and women with the gift of communication and the curiosity and compulsion to tell the many-sided story of the complicated world in which we live." Nelson Poynter, May 4, 1961
Reblogged from fastcompany  25 notes


Can you recognize these online brands just based on the color of their sharing buttons? Answers, and some science behind color and branding.

We love our Poynter green and gray! It’s interesting how social media can be identified by color. In the same way, you can look at news organizations’ relationships with fonts, from the New York Times’ “T” and Gothic-style masthead to the no-frills Reuters banner.

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  3. amexopenforum reblogged this from fastcompany and added:
    Choosing the right color(s) for your company’s logo and products is important. But just how crucial is it? 90% of an...
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  6. poynterinstitute reblogged this from fastcompany and added:
    We love our Poynter green and gray! It’s interesting how social media can be identified by color. In the same way, you...
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  8. chasemohney reblogged this from fastcompany and added:
    This is a really great read, and well worth your time if you ever find yourself managing a design project of any...
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