Woman, 30. Official Meanest Aroace. Anarcho-communist. I post all things goth, punk, horror, strange, and anything else that strikes my fancy. Expect to see villainy, history, and a great deal of vampires. Gore and violence will be tagged. Monsters will be celebrated.

posted 10 years ago

I feel like if Homer hadn’t dragged Sarah into it and fucked everything up by making it a matter of conflicting loyalties things had gone better, Severen and Caleb could have eventually developed this beautiful dysfunctional bromance where Caleb’s still a soft goody two-shoes and Severen sometimes throws him down stairs for his own amusement, but they kind of mutually respect each other and will go out and do things together on occasion just to have fun until Severen either gets them kicked out of or eats through each place.

  1. skeletalroses said: @msookyspooky I HAVE wondered what Caleb did with the other spur. Severen would’ve kept it as one of his trophies if it were him, but I don’t think Caleb’s that type. Of course I think Sev takes it back, since I fully believe he survived the explosion and will be out for revenge once he’s back on his feet, but is it just sitting around somewhere? Does Caleb wear it? Questions
  2. skeletalroses said: @msookyspooky I enjoy Homer but he really does ruin everything. The gang taking on Sarah honestly would’ve been really cute! Caleb gets to keep his sister, plus Severen and Jesse would’ve let her paint their nails, do their hair, etc. bc Sev’s a cool big brother who doesn’t give a fuck about gender norms and Jesse’s an indulgent dad. But Homer has to bring the yikes child-grooming aspect.
  3. msookyspooky said: TRUE. God damn you, Homer! lmfao he had to make it creepy and make everyone pick a side 😒 Yep, I thought of it…I don’t like it either. 🥲
  4. skeletalroses said: @msookyspooky without Caleb knowing about it. Crisis still averted in that case. Truth be told I never thought much about Caleb lowering his hat and taking Severen’s rowel, but now that I do…hm. Don’t like that 2/2
  5. skeletalroses said: @msookyspooky When they bumped into each other in the motel room, Caleb was basically about to tell his family not to look for him. Things only really went south when Homer wouldn’t give up Sarah and Loy shot Jesse. If Homer’d just dropped it, I think things could’ve ended there…maybe if they still think the Coltons know too much, they could have Loy quietly knocked off later 1/
  6. msookyspooky said: Him lowering his hat and taking the metal spur after Sev’s death? Yeah, that hurt. I still don’t know if Jesse would have let Caleb’s family go BUT Homer made it ten times worse
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