Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



“ Well Ladies and Gentlemen, here’s our first picture of Monsieur on set. So for those who are not use to Fifi, on the left Mister Louis XIV, Sun King, on the right Monsieur, Philippe d’Orléans, King of Transvestite on the set of Versailles....


Well Ladies and Gentlemen, here’s our first picture of Monsieur on set. So for those who are not use to Fifi, on the left Mister Louis XIV, Sun King, on the right Monsieur, Philippe d’Orléans, King of Transvestite on the set of Versailles. Played by George Blagden and Alexander Vlahos.

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    Alex’s waist looks so freaking tiny here wtf
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