The Sinking World

It’s not that she didn’t want to wake up with strained blinking eyes to greet the first streaks of morning, all happy and bursting with life. It’s just that she didn’t want to. Nothing inspired her about her surrounding - her bed, the white wardrobe door, that deep colored curtain, or that mirror standing still across the room. She woke up every morning and looked around feeling strange, and stranger. As if life had uprooted itself and landed somewhere millions of miles away, where the palpable kinetic energy that surpasses reality, enters her blood stream and dives into the unknown, was gone. All of it. 

Why did people make such a big deal about waking up feeling like it’s a new day and that statement alone was enough to make you feel powerful, she did not know. She didn’t feel anything near it. Perhaps it’s one of those cliched facades of waking up and dreaming you have a different life, which her surrounding repeatedly told her that it wasn’t. It’s like taking a dip into the middle of the ocean, yet feeling like standing in the middle of a room, eating your breakfast cereal, watching your favorite tv show, warming your couch. But you are not in your element. You are under water, in a different world, watching yourself do boring monotonous things without any meaning while this world swam around you, constantly reminding you that it exists and you are a part of it, yet not really a part of it.

Where was this annui and fear coming from? When will this ambiguity be lifted? She did not know.

So she quietly got up, put on her mask, decided to ignore everything and go about her day. She ate her breakfast cereal, watched her favorite tv show and then turned off the television and sat in silence. 

~ Inspired by The Sinking World, by Andreas Franke

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