That Cheap Stuff You Just Bought At Walmart? Turns Out It Cost $6,000 More Than You Thought | UpWorthy
According to a Congressional study, $6,000 is the average amount taxpayers are being dinged per employee. Walmart’s wages and benefits are so low,...

That Cheap Stuff You Just Bought At Walmart? Turns Out It Cost $6,000 More Than You Thought | UpWorthy 

According to a Congressional study, $6,000 is the average amount taxpayers are being dinged per employee. Walmart’s wages and benefits are so low, it forces workers to go on Medicaid and receive housing assistance, childcare subsidies, food stamps, and more. Yes, it’s totally insane, but it’s true. 

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A better world is on the horizon. Forging it means knowing to fight back. It means finding the point where we surpass our threshold for complacency and realize the world can no longer work as it does, that we must change it and we must act now, for no time greater than now exists to become individuals and communities of action. And though there will be setbacks, the waves of change are ever persistent—not even time can withstand the ebbing past.