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TV and consumer Web site traffic: a data point

Excerpt from client email: another reminder that even as the blogosphere and social media continue to increase in their importance, the “traditional media”, while embattled as a business model, are still capable of delivering significant site traffic.

Hi Ticker PR Team -

As a follow-up item from our call the other day, the site visitation numbers and transactions have come in for those days that cover Barbara’s appearance on the Early Show. Much like what we saw last November, there is a clear, substantial lift in daily transactions on our site for that Saturday. There’s also a halo effect on Sunday and Monday as well. Our new data reporting is still being tuned up right now, so I can’t give you an exact number to quantify the impact on transaction volume, but it's “some number of thousands” (number edited to maintain confidentiality). And that’s just the direct measure of the impact! It’s a really great example of a strong combination of exposure and messaging.

And if you’re interested, we’ve posted the clip of Barbara’s appearance on the CBS Early Show for download/viewing.

Definition: “Transaction” is a click-through to the supplier’s website. An increase of this magnitude is a huge percentage jump.

Thanks again for all your work on this.

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