1. the person i like and why i like them.
      Rasha, she makes me feel naive 
    2. a famous person i’ve been compared to.
    3. 5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex
      - Indecisiveness
      - Hypocrisy
      - Lying
    1. the best thing that has happened to me this week.

      Making money
    2. weird things i do when i’m alone.

      Make my boobs dance to a song
    3. how i’d spend ten thousand bucks.

      Go on a vacation
    4. things i like and things i don’t like about the way i look.

      - I don’t like the bags under my eyes
      - I like my height and I don’t at the same time
      - I don’t like my feet
    5. my last night out in detail.

      Went out to eagle’s nest, which was pretty cool. Garrett ordered long islands, which ended up to be 17 dollars per which was hilarious. I started buying other drinks, mango pinnacle with cranberry and pineapple. The shit liquor made me feel it quicker which sucked and I hate pinnacle. Was there with Taba Garrett Eugene JT Mac Kayla and Jasmine. Sang along and danced to some songs, that bar is cool bc no one gives a fuck. Talked about relationship stuff with Taba and Mac and JT. Ended up pretty fucking drunk end of story 
    6. something that makes me sad when i think about it.

      Things I’ll probably refuse to talk about
    7. something i’ve lied about.

      Where I’ve been to my parents
    8. would i rather be stranded on a desert island with someone i love for ten years or someone i hate for a month? explain why.

      Someone I love for ten years. I wanna know if they’ll end up pissing me off or not
    9. something i’m currently worrying about.

      My family
    10. one person from tumblr i’d throw off a cliff, one i’d marry and one i’d fuck.

      I don’t really know anyone from tumblr
    11. something i do without realising.

      I’m not sure
    12. lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood.

      I never wanted anyone like this
    13. a drunken story.

      So I went to watch 22 Jump Street with my closest friend as a girl Michelle. We were catching up, I ended up catching her up with my whole entire love life for the past year because I hardly ever spoke to her my senior year of college. She was getting ready to graduate and I was just busy overall with my life. I ended up getting pretty drunk prior to the movie and hardly remember how it played out. We go to a bar afterwards and talk about life and more about my love life things. Now I’m better consistently with her.
    14. something i regret.

      Knowing Uriah. It’s not even like a pain of anger anymore, I just feel nothing
    15. post a picture of myself.

    16. my longest relationship and who it was with.

      With Kim, 3 ½ years, I learned so much from that relationship
    17. press ctrl v and post.

      It’s this survey
    18. post a bit of my last IM convo.

      1: You stay choosing a girl over another girl
      2: Well this time I made the right choice
      1: Finally
      2: I know
    19. 5 things i want to change.

    20. my view on being tumblr famous.

    21. someone i’d like to be for a day and why.

      Not sure
    22. 5 things within touching distance.

      Coffee cup
      Box of tissues
    23. story of my first kiss.

      My first kiss was from someone I considered my best friend. We liked each other but didn’t say anything. She finally said something to me and we ended up dating. For 2 weeks lol then she asked me if it was okay to like other people while we were dating. What the actual fuck so we broke up. yup 

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