A Blog for TANK Publishing — John Piper Proclaims “Christians” Condemned and in...

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John Piper Proclaims “Christians” Condemned and in Need of Continued Salvation

John Piper Proclaims “Christians” Condemned and in Need of Continued Salvation

JohnPiperOne of the major truths that will be emphasized in the present TANC book project is that the Protestant Reformation was NOT based on the Bible. The Protestant kerfuffle with Rome concerned differences in world philosophy—not theology. Sola scripturais a blatant falsehood. Martin Luther concocted a contending worldview in opposition to an increased influence of Thomism in the Catholic Church.…

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"justification equals perfect law-keeping" "preaching the gospel to ourselves everyday" "present sin" "the law can only condemn" Christian Neo-Platonism Church membership John Piper justification by law Martin Luther Pastoral authority Platonic philosophy Progressive Justification Protestant Orthodoxy Protestantism&039;s Denial of New Birth Sola Scriptura Thomism total depravity of the saints

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#Christian Neo-Platonism #Church membership #John Piper #justification by law #Martin Luther #Pastoral authority #Platonic philosophy #Progressive Justification #Protestant Orthodoxy #Sola Scriptura #Thomism #total depravity of the saints