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It’s my 1 Year Blog Anniversary (click on each ami above to see them help me celebrate :D)!!!  Exactly one year ago on this day, I wrote my very first blog post. I still remember how excited I was to start my own blog after rediscovering my love of crochet.  I wanted to share my love of amigurumi with the world!  At times it was discouraging since I knew not many people were checking my blog (it was pretty much Ryan and my brother Corey and sister Ashley, haha) but of course, such is the plight of new blogs.  I continued to blog about all my projects and it was so exciting when we started to make our own patterns and get noticed!  I have met so many wonderful, kind, supportive and encouraging people in the crafting and crochet community.  It is truly amazing how the internet can make the world such a small place!

I want to take this opportunity to thank some people who have been instrumental along the way.  Natalie Zee Drieu, former editor-in-chief of CRAFT magazine provided me so much support when I first began, featuring my projects and even commissioning me to design a Spring project (which became the Spring Bunnies) even though I had been blogging for only two months!  Thank you for putting your trust in me!  Similarly, Elliott Mariess and his team at Designers of Tumblr frequently featured my work and included me in their e-zine less than half a year after I had been blogging.  It was such a big honour, and I am very thankful for opportunities such as these.  All my friends and family have been so excited and supportive of me too!  I never thought that Ryan and I would be making little stuffed animals as a married couple in our spare time, but it’s been such a blast.  Ryan is so encouraging, creative and talented at whatever he does, and I am very thankful to have him as my husband and amigurumi partner :) 

150 posts, 987 facebook fans, 169 twitter followers, and 1688 tumblr followers later, here we are.  I’ve learned so much and improved my craft along the way, from discovering my early amigurumi were all inside-out, to learning about the wonders of the Magic Circle and Invisible DecreaseIt’s been quite the journey, and once in a while I enjoy going through my old posts as this blog is almost like a diary or journal for me.  I believe God has given us the capacity to be creative and has placed certain passions, interests and dreams within us.  It’s been amazing being able to explore these and try to use them to love, help, and connect others. Thank you to each and every one of you who has left a comment, written an encouraging e-mail, or shared your stories with me.  Thank you for being a part of my journey, and I cannot wait to see where it’ll take us next! 

[Note: Will work on a give-away soon!  It’s been very busy since coming back home :)]

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