Biomedical Ephemera, or: A Frog for Your Boils

Cuvier Day
Coleoptera anatomy.
Cuvier studied at the Caroline Academy in Stuttgart, and like in all of his other schooling, he excelled at classes. He also learned German (which he had never learned a word of before attending) quickly enough that he...
Cuvier Day
Coleoptera anatomy.
Cuvier studied at the Caroline Academy in Stuttgart, and like in all of his other schooling, he excelled at classes. He also learned German (which he had never learned a word of before attending) quickly enough that he...

Cuvier Day

Coleoptera anatomy.

Cuvier studied at the Caroline Academy in Stuttgart, and like in all of his other schooling, he excelled at classes. He also learned German (which he had never learned a word of before attending) quickly enough that he won a school German competition just nine months after he began his classes at the school.

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