Biomedical Ephemera, or: A Frog for Your Boils

Cuvier Day
Wombat, koala, wallaby.
If you wanted to get in Cuvier’s good graces as an adult, you brought him a bouquet of red stocks. They were his mom’s favorite flower, and after her death, anything that reminded him of her was sacred.
Cuvier Day
Wombat, koala, wallaby.
If you wanted to get in Cuvier’s good graces as an adult, you brought him a bouquet of red stocks. They were his mom’s favorite flower, and after her death, anything that reminded him of her was sacred.

Cuvier Day

Wombat, koala, wallaby. 

If you wanted to get in Cuvier’s good graces as an adult, you brought him a bouquet of red stocks. They were his mom’s favorite flower, and after her death, anything that reminded him of her was sacred.

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