Biomedical Ephemera, or: A Frog for Your Boils

Life Cycle of Liver Fluke
The life cycle of the fluke that causes schistosomiasis has a very similar life cycle, except where the liver fluke enters and matures within the sheep liver, the schistosome enters the human skin, and matures within the...
Life Cycle of Liver Fluke
The life cycle of the fluke that causes schistosomiasis has a very similar life cycle, except where the liver fluke enters and matures within the sheep liver, the schistosome enters the human skin, and matures within the...

Life Cycle of Liver Fluke

The life cycle of the fluke that causes schistosomiasis has a very similar life cycle, except where the liver fluke enters and matures within the sheep liver, the schistosome enters the human skin, and matures within the mesenteric veins, though they can easily move between tissues and locations.

Animal Parasites and Human Disease. Asa C. Chandler, 1918.

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