Biomedical Ephemera, or: A Frog for Your Boils

Scotoplana sp. - Scotoplane or Sea Pig
The Holothurian (sea cucumber) genus Scotoplanes includes the “Sea Pigs” - deep-sea dwellers that live on the abyssal planes of oceans worldwide, including in the Antarctic. Anywhere over 1000 meters probably...
Scotoplana sp. - Scotoplane or Sea Pig
The Holothurian (sea cucumber) genus Scotoplanes includes the “Sea Pigs” - deep-sea dwellers that live on the abyssal planes of oceans worldwide, including in the Antarctic. Anywhere over 1000 meters probably...

Scotoplana sp. - Scotoplane or Sea Pig

The Holothurian (sea cucumber) genus Scotoplanes includes the “Sea Pigs” - deep-sea dwellers that live on the abyssal planes of oceans worldwide, including in the Antarctic. Anywhere over 1000 meters probably hosts Sea Pigs in some number. They prefer freshly-fallen organic matter for their food, and can travel miles to find things like whale carcasses, thanks to their excellent olfactory senses.

Sea Pigs and other sea cucumber species are some of the few hosts that exist on the abyssal floor which are suitable hosts to parasitic snails and tiny crustaceans, and they also serve as an important food source for other deep-sea creatures, such as sleeper sharks.

The Royal Natural History - Vol IV. Richard Lydekker, 1896.

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