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What if Daft Punk never breaks up or dies they just hand off their helmets to really amazing musicians that continue making music for them and they just become these immortal beings that no one is really sure who they are anymore they’re just always there

what if this has already happened years ago

  1. saphicspacesociety22 reblogged this from saphicspacesociety
  2. bloodypinata reblogged this from bloodypinata and added:
    Looking through my tagged posts and found this. This legit makes me feel sad. They were an incredible duo and while they...
  3. sockfluff reblogged this from a-flickering-soul
  4. twofrenchrobots reblogged this from hoemem and added:
    Well. Uhm this didn’t age well
  5. weareunderthesameskies reblogged this from orenroran
  6. gizamalblythe reblogged this from oakpear
  7. august-ocean reblogged this from 0428julie
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  9. justplainhanan reblogged this from celestialcow
  10. celestialcow reblogged this from ohnotom
  11. b-lynninja reblogged this from b-lynninja and added:
    something like this popped up on my facebook feed the other day and i laughed
  12. ellen-ology reblogged this from seasofgalaxies
  13. seasofgalaxies reblogged this from akuauli
  14. akuauli reblogged this from akuauli
  15. lotusfingers reblogged this from antijulian
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  17. jjwilson94 posted this