Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Doing the right thing.

I don’t use Tumblr much, but I wanted to post to talk about doing the right thing.

A couple weeks ago, I threw a bday party for a friend. I rented a photo booth for the guests to use. As the host, those guests counted on me to respect their privacy. I never dreamed that the photo booth company would be silly enough to make the private login searchable or that they’d make the password easy to guess. And I never dreamed that a Tumblr user called @stonesourwolf would break into that private gallery and post the pics.

Since I paid for the booth - those pics are my property. And stealing is stealing regardless of how easy it was to do (it’s also illegal and super lame). I could press charges.

Is it the end of the world? No - they are pics of friends goofing off. But they were private and the right thing to do is to say you’re sorry and take down the pics. Even if you just reposted them - take em down so you don’t have bad “I steal things” vibes on your page.

The people whose pics were stolen are some of the nicest, most laid back folks ever. And I can tell you one thing for sure…they’d never steal (or pass along) any of your personal stuff.

Do the right thing.


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    Maybe we can learn something from this unfortunate brouhaha. 1) What the individual tumblr user did was wrong, pure and...
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