Every time is gets to that time of the month, I get really bad break outs and it makes me really self-conscious. I have tried everything to keep it at bay but nothing works, do you have any recommendations?

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Few products can stand in the way of your hormones – it’s a hormonal breakout, so nothing over the counter will get rid of your hormonal acne because it’s not formulated to, those are all just topical solutions that aim to dry out your spots. I have no idea what works for your chemical makeup, and I also don’t know what you’ve tried, so I don’t want to just throw things out there because the reality of the situation is the the vast majority of drugstore acne products contain the same two things, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. If neither of those active ingredients work for you, you’re out of luck, because that is pretty much all that drugstore acne medications offer and those are all just topical, temporary solutions. 

For hormonal acne, you can get Tazorac or other hormonal acne treatments (that contain retinol or something similar) through a dermatologist though. That is the only thing that works for me. 

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