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Cut-Off Cudi!

So over the weekend there’s been lots of tweet talk over rapper Kid Cudi’s choice of attire for his performance at this years Coachella festival.
He wore a red, sleeveless crop-top (exposing a glimpse of a tattoo and a great set of abs!) with denim cut-offs. Some people are hating while others are swooning.
Here’s what I have to say:

Is he headed to a front cover fittings meeting with Anna Wintour? No.

Is he picking up his children from day care? No.

Is he doing/wearing what the fvck he wants and has two words for a hater? Yes. (Fvck you)

Would I still let him even while wearing this? ABSOLUTELY!

Say what you will but I dig the Cudster. His music is dope and for the most part his style is too. There once was a time when I thought he ripped a page out from the style book of Yeezus. But since then he’s come into his own and created a discernible look that he can call his own. As for this outfit? It’s not my favorite. But given the time, place, and God knows what he too a hit of before he hit the stage; it seems 100% appropriate.

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