Dad in Progress the daily life of a soon to be dad and his experiences throughout the process of the pregnancy.
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  1. Saturday + Sunday = Packing

    As I’m gathering all the stuff that I’m bringing with me for the move, I’ve noticed that I have been given enough stuff to make a baby room (minus the crib). I feel really grateful that there are people out there actually looking out for me. As of now, all of the stuff are gonna be in a corner of my room or in the closet in my new apartment since the baby is not due until march but at least I can say I’m a step ready. Am I excited for the move? Of course I am. I’m not looking forward for the drive ( I hate driving) but I’m looking forward to actually have my own place again, sleep on my own bed, and most of all, Ill be close to the baby and the mother so I can actually be there during the progress! The downside is that I’m gonna miss a lot of people. I guess I just have to rely on social networks to keep up :-p

    Packing this weekend and leaving this Tuesday. I hope the next time you hear from me, I’ll be at my new place.

    12 years ago Short URL 24 notes
    1. dadinprogress posted this