Sarah Salcedo

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From Jim Kruger/Alex Ross’ JUSTICE. (Taken with instagram)
Vasant and I were up until 3 a.m. reading last night. He finally finished Catching Fire and I read Alex Ross’ Justice.
Any Alex Ross comic is worth reading for the sheer beauty of his art. He...

From Jim Kruger/Alex Ross’ JUSTICE. (Taken with instagram)

Vasant and I were up until 3 a.m. reading last night. He finally finished Catching Fire and I read Alex Ross’ Justice.

Any Alex Ross comic is worth reading for the sheer beauty of his art. He is the Norman Rockwell of the superhero scene. But this story is very gripping as well: all the world’s villains, united by a common recurring dream, turn over a new leaf to become the heroes they think Earth deserves… and to rid it of its old heroes. The Justice League has to work together like never before not just to defeat their once and future enemies, but to work out what really creates and keeps a hero honest: suffering.

The writing is beautiful, the action never lets up and again, the art is just staggering. If you get a chance, I definitely recommend reading this.

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