October 15, 2013
You can use your favorite CSS framework in your HTML patterns

One of the most popular features in Patternry is the ability to use html, CSS & javascript in the “patterns”, which makes creating pattern examples simple and patterns more concrete and useful also for the developers. During the last few weeks we’ve focused in improving this feature, and after the most recent update you can now use multiple CSS templates in your patterns. This means that you can use your favorite CSS framework in your patterns. Here is an example pattern from our public pattern library that uses Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework: Accordion.

How to use CSS frameworks in your patterns?

  1. Create a CSS template (Choose “Manage” -> “CSS templates” from the main navigation).
  2. Copy & paste the CSS from the CSS framework of your choice in the template content.
  3. Choose the pattern(s) where you want to use the CSS framework and go to edit mode.
  4. Choose the CSS template(s) you want to use in the pattern (CSS tab below the pattern example).
  5. (Extend the framework with your custom CSS).

Notice that you can use HTML & CSS only with html-patterns, or patterns with custom templates where you have included HTML & CSS fields.

CSS frameworks

New to front-end frameworks? Here is a list of the most popular HTML/CSS frameworks:

Foundation by Zurb

The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.

Twitter Bootstrap

Probably the most popular front-end framework at the moment.

HTML KickStart

Ultra–Lean HTML5, CSS, & JS Building Blocks.


A responsive html/css/less/scss framework.

Semantic UI

Challenger in the front-end framework-space.

What’s coming next?

Support for less & scss, JavaScript templates, and more!

6:53pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZAVFHyxjuydh
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