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You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering.

Ernest Hemingway (via auspicious—infp)

And her we have a white dude actually flat out saying that they will stop paying attention if we ever for a moment stop screaming.

(via frank-e-fighting-words)

Mindless commentary. I can’t find the context out of which this taken, and I’m willing to bet you aren’t familiar with it, either, so for all you know, the addressee is a man. You’re the one asserting quiet suffering as a feminine trait. (Or as a minority trait of some kind; your point is so baseless that this much isn’t clear.) Moreover, the mere mention of the addressee’s suffering is proof that the speaker is paying attention and, in fact, has not forgotten. Someone needs to bone up on their reading comprehension. But most importantly, if you’re actually concerned about the plight of women or POC or whoever your “we” is supposed to be, maybe don’t spew asshat tripe that makes you and your cause look moronic. We have an uphill battle already without picking fights where there’s no conflict. He’s describing an individual he cares about, not saying jack shit about you or any group of people, let alone one he is happily subjugating. Stop spitting out oppression buzzwords (“white dude” omg rite!?) to try to collect laurels or whatever you think you’re achieving here. All being publicly thoughtless does is give fodder to those who *would* happily subjugate us.

(via uhwoahohoh)

I found the context. It’s from A Farewell To Arms and it’s a male orderly in a World War I field hospital talking to the main character, a wounded American soldier.

(via brainstatic)

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