August 20, 2014

Anonymous asked: Stripping is for people that can't do anything else. Strippers claim they're smart. Alright, if you're really that smart, how hard would it be to get another higher-paying job? Or since you claim times are hard so you can't find jobs, I'm sure the Burger King down the street is always hiring. Or the clothing store. If you still want to be a stripper, DON'T FUCKING COMPLAIN about your job and the shit you deal with, because you chose it and you can leave whenever you want and get another job.





Alright, listen up you ignorant slack-jawed mouth-breathing pustule on the human record. I had a shitty night’s sleep last night and I’m upset about other things, so now, I’m going to take out alllll my frustration with vaguely related shit on YOU. 

1) Strippers do not as a whole claim to be smart. That kind of generalized bullshit really grinds my gears because you sit here stereotyping us and judging us from your completely fabricated moral high horse when really there is absolutely nothing wrong with my job, and then you stereotype our responses to your prejudiced, backwards, unjustifiable way of thinking. If you can even call it thinking, because a more accurate term would be conforming like sheep to an outdated and religiously themed monolith of sexual theory that actually makes zero sense and is entirely hypocritical. I don’t call that thinking for yourself BUT I DIGRESS. 

2) It’s actually really fucking hard. I live in a country where the government does not pay for your schooling and you have to put yourself into serious, agonizing, soul-crushing debt just to go to college and even then, a 4-year degree is insufficient to go into a field where you would even be making equivalent money to the kind that I am now because on top of that $40,000 piece of cardstock that you have to earn not only with hard work and determination but also with the ability to jump through bureaucratic hoops, you then also have to get accepted into graduate school and do another minimum of 2 years of school, but THIS time it’s even MORE expensive because you can’t get any grants or scholarships because get this, graduate students are INELIGIBLE for the few grants and scholarships made somewhat available to undergraduate students - so basically any help that you had in your first 4 years is now GONE. And that doesn’t even fucking cover getting accepted to graduate school because you firstly have to know how to properly apply, and let’s face it, they basically expect you to divine of this knowledge completely on your own because there is nothing in undergrad that teaches you about it unless you seek the knowledge on your own. It took me 2 years to get WAITLISTED for the graduate program I wanted to be in and I have an almost perfect GPA, I’m a member of not one but TWO national honors societies, I’ve received multiple awards and honors in foreign language, oh and I scored in the 89th percentile on the GRE (which, by the way, is an exam that not only learns from your answers and gets harder as you take it, but is ONLY taken by graduate school applicants so I scored in the 89th percentile of university graduates with 4 year degrees all determined to get into grad school, too) and I still got waitlisted because I decided to apply to a really tiny program and that was not a good decision because the smaller the program the more specific your education, yes, but also the more competitive it is to get in. 

So how hard is it to get another, HIGHER-paying job than stripping? PRETTY MOTHER FUCKING HARD  you witless, pea-brained, poorly researched fuckface. Especially if you’re good at stripping and make money on the higher end of the salary spectrum. Hard to beat out those girls because they make BANK. 

3) Let’s ignore the fact that you just told me to quit a high paying job in this economy in favor of a minimum wage job flipping burgers or stocking shelves where I’d make maybe $400 a week in a global situation where even Burger Kings aren’t often hiring… let’s ignore that. Because honestly, the unemployment issue is empirical. Everyone can see it. Everyone is struggling with it. I don’t have to argue about it with you. It’s also very, verrrrrrrrrrrry simple math to determine why someone would choose stripping over a minimum wage job, which BY THE WAY, has its own problems. Like burning yourself on grease and getting treated like shit by your customers and micromanaged by your boss and cleaning up slop and generally other disgusting shit so I guess my third point is that EVERY JOB HAS A DOWNSIDE OR TWO TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. Nomatter what you do, you’re going to have bad days on occasion, or issues with coworkers, or a shit customer. I know, I worked in retail for YEEEEEARRRSSS. And you don’t need to listen to me, just google the customer is always wrong and find that website where people who work customer service jobs can submit instances where they’ve been downtrodden by the general public because everywhere you go and no matter what you do for a living, PEOPLE FUCKING SUCK. Exhibit A: YOU. 

4) YOU. You’re the kind of person who is so cowardly, you have to spout your elitist propagandist fallacies on ANONYMOUS because you know if you were to show your face here, not only would I tear it off and eat it for breakfast, but then all my stripper friends and supportive and lovely fans would, too. Because you know you’re wrong. And that’s not even the worst part about you. The cowardice is absolutely nothing compared to the ignorant, judgmental rigidity that would cause you to get on ANOTHER HUMAN BEING’S BLOG, completely uninvited, and mouth off at her over HER JOB because you don’t think she has the right to complain about the abuse she puts up with on a weekly basis. BOO FUCKING HOO. You don’t like my job? You don’t like me complaining about shit I put up with because of it? TOO FUCKING BAD, SHIT FOR BRAINS, because I’m about to launch a biiiiiiig fucking complaint right the fuck now. Are you ready? Do you have your judging face on? And your appropriate religious text in hand? And your butt into other people’s business pants on? 

Because BY FAR the WORST thing I have to put up with in this job (which is a perfectly legitimate, legal, and for the most part lovely job) isn’t even the occasional physical assault, or the constant rejection from customers trying not to spend all their money, or even the drama that my coworkers kick up consistently. The worst part of my job is YOU. Coming in here like you know more than me, like you’re better than me. YOU DON’T FUCKING KNOW ME. YOU DON’T KNOW ANY OF US. You don’t know where I come from or what I’ve been through or how high or low my IQ is. YOU DON’T KNOW. So don’t come in here calling me stupid or insinuating that I don’t know how to plan or run my own damn life because chances are that I’m doing a lot better than you are, and the proof is that your life is SO unfulfilled that you feel the need to take your unhappiness out on complete strangers on the internet. People like you, judging others by your pseudo-religious standards, are a fucking blight on this world. 

If I want to take off my clothes for strangers for money, then that is my right, my prerogative, my privilege and MY DECISION. It is none of your business to sit there behind the anonymity of a computer screen and dictate to me how to live my life and how I should feel about it, too. 

I think out of the two of us, YOU are the one who needs to be reevaluating your life choices. 

In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am DONE fending off immature, ignorant haters like this. From now on, I can’t hear any of you over how much money I am making, and I will not be responding to any of your ridiculous bullshit. It is not my responsibility to educate every narrow-minded asshole on the internet, nor should it  be. I’m making a difference to the people who matter and I should not have to deal with people who come here with a closed mind declaring that I need to defend myself in some way for having a job that they don’t like for arbitrary reasons. 

Stripping is for anyone who wants to do it and has the ability to do it, and also for the heroic tough-skinned ladies who can put up with this shit every fucking day of their lives. Keep doing what you’re doing ladies, because it’s nobody else’s fucking business. 


I’m fucking heated.

Omg some people are fucking dumb, dude. Fucking anons, know-nothing peasants. I better go comfort myself with a big ol’ stack of 100’s. Lololololololololol

This is the best takedown of an ignorant anti-SW anon that I’ve EVER seen. Chills, I tell you!

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