January 25, 2013
“ aaeriele-random:
“ landofmaps:
“ What people call carbonated drinks, county by county.
” ”
I was so glad when I moved from Pop Country to Soda Country, because “soda” is CORRECT.
Also I’m fascinated by the Soda Islands around...




What people call carbonated drinks, county by county.

I was so glad when I moved from Pop Country to Soda Country, because “soda” is CORRECT.

Also I’m fascinated by the Soda Islands around Milwaukee and St. Louis.

I’m from the land of pop, and live in the land of soda. I still have no idea how anyone orders a non-Coke soda in the South.

(via pervocracy)

10:41pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZAk9eucfFhd1
Filed under: soda pop Coke 
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    As a Southerner, neither me, nor any other Southerners I know, call it “Coke”. It is Soda. What the fuck Everyone in the...
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    Looks like pop is the majority here… well, area-wise that is, I wonder what the numbers are. Anyway, pop wins, so ya’ll...
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