Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Are You Powerful or Powerless?

People who feel powerful in deciding their faith in life are people who have positive beliefs about their life, the people around them, and themselves. They have learn that life is a series of successes, appropriate risks, and proactive choices. They may feel anxious when trying something new but they do it anyway. Proactive people realize that they have control over their own beliefs, reactions, and actions in life. Powerless people have difficulty reaching out to others because they belief no one cares, no one will listen to them, and that no matter what they do life will not change. They often feel like victims. We are all victims, at times, in life but how we react and how proactive we become will determine our successes and happiness in life. 

Proactive people belief that no matter how challenging their present situation is, they can succeed even if it takes more work now then in the past. Their willing to do what it takes, usually have Type A personality, and have built close relationships in their community. They have learned that the journey to achieving their goals in life might not be easy but that it is worth it. If someone tells them NO they kick the door down or find a way around it to reach their goals. Proactive people become proprietors, so when sales are down in traditional galleries, they find unique places to rent and show case their art. They use non-traditional but honest means to reach their goals. Proactive people might find coffee shops, bookstores, empty store fronts, or yoga studios to show their work. 

Powerless people tend to blame other people for their current circumstances, expect someone to come to them with solutions, and expect someone to take care of their needs without verbalizing what they are. Sadly, many of them become depressed and many of them do not succeed in the art world. If you are unwilling to promote yourself and learn from your mistakes, then you will be in the same place next year that you are today. Life events change when your willing to change. 

Powerful or powerless? It is your choice?