simply irresistible beauty. & other eyeCANDY .
Here’s a list of the type of black people I do NOT fuck with


▫Black people who don’t check their white friend’s racist opinions/views. They let them slide because they’re “cool.”

▪Black people who aren’t offended by white people saying nigga because they think it’s just a word that anybody can use just because black people use it.

▪Black people that claim to be conscious and here to build up the black community but are transphobic and/or homophobic (to name a few.)

▪Black people who distance themselves from the reality of being black in America because they don’t feel they are directly affected by social injustice.

▪Black people who are ok with being fetishized by whites because they think that means white people respect them and are amazed by them.

▪Black men who date white women all while tearing down black women who look just like their mothers and sisters.

▪Black people who think only wanting mixed babies is a “preference.”…because why would you want a child the same color as you?

▪Black people who think that reading and quoting Shakespeare only while avoiding hip hop and rap music means they’re more cultured than the rest of us.

▪Black people who feel no pain when another one of us is killed just for being black. Better yet, they blame us for getting killed.

Yea, there are a lot more. But y'all, nope, I don’t fuck with you.

(via kanyeshrugtae)