“ Not everyone sees the same color when they stare at this spinning disk.
The gif is called, “Benham’s disk“ "is named after the English toymaker Charles Benham, who in 1895 sold a top painted with the pattern shown. When the disk is...


Not everyone sees the same color when they stare at this spinning disk.

The gif is called, “Benham’s disk“ "is named after the English toymaker Charles Benham, who in 1895 sold a top painted with the pattern shown. When the disk is spun, arcs of pale color, called Fechner colors or pattern-induced flicker colors (PIFCs), are visible at different places on the disk. Not everyone sees the same colors.”

“The phenomenon originates from neural activity in the retina and spatial interactions in the primary visual cortex, which plays a role in encoding low-level image features, such as edges and spatiotemporal frequency components.”

Fascinating how our brains work, I see a brown tan, what do you see? :D

… black…!?

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    I see a dried-blood red and like… a heather/navy blue.
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