Currently, Not even a man with solid gold testicles could be happier than I am.

Apologies for going a bit quiet for the past couple of days, I can only assume that my absence was filled with something just as important to you, all be it less entertaining. So I shall sum up the last couple of days. Get ready for some major TL;DR1.

Tuesday is where I shall begin.
It was the Student Union’s Comedy Evening. I was expecting good things from the evening, I love a bit of comedy and if I was funny I would be one.
The first act comes on, i wasn’t expecting much. but who should enter the stage than the none other Andi Osho2! She was fantastic, a great surprise. After Andi (That’s right, first name terms) another man came on, unfortunately I can’t remember his name, which is bad because he was very good. After he did his bit a comedian called Piff the Magic Dragon entered, He was very funny. A crap magician, but very funny. Unluckily for us we were sat in close to the stage but off to the side, giving us quite the view to see behind all his sleight of hand stuff, slightly ruining the illusion. Never the less he was good, My favourite joke of his still remains the opening of ‘Hi everyone my name is Piff the Magic Dragon you may have heard of my brother…… Dave’

The next day (Yesterday) (Wednesday)
Consisted of going into uni a couple of times, and a pub crawl. The pub crawl was our houses alternative to going to a 'Toga Party’. We only just managed to stop a clearly dyslexic person arriving as a Goat.
Thoroughly enjoyed the evening and really got on well with the fellow Howlandians as they are now called3.
Most of the guys have the same interests and we get on really well. When you all decide to have a LAN party4, you know Uni life is good.


Today began at about 8 o'clock. Upon which I, rather unbelievably, got straight up and headed for the shower. And by rather unbelievably I mean the fact that I got up at 8am, NOT the fact that I had a shower.

After which I headed out to join some SOCIETIES! The societies I have joined are as follows:

AirSoc, This is by far the society that I am looking forward to the most. For those of you that don’t know, Airsoft is a sport i have been keen on for a number of years. This is purely a way to continue my love of the sport.
SnowSoc, Much as the name suggests, this is to do with snow. Apparently they go on lots of adventurous snowboarding/skiing trips and they cost lots of money. But I was interested and love snowboarding so couldn’t resist.
BoxSoc, Is a fantastic new invention which is basically a cuboid like sock that is used to keep robots extremities warm in the winter months. It’s boxing society basically, much to the dismay of Kirsty, But I have never actually hit someone, I feel that this could be a nice way of letting some frustration out. Again, it’s probably best to clear up. I mean that the dismay of Kirsty’s is because im taking up boxing, NOT because i have never hit someone5.

After this is was visited by aforementioned woman and it has put me in an excellent mood. So much so, that i might use a smiley. :)
This will no doubt be difficult but we can do it, because we are awesome. :)
Christ, look. Another one.

Other than this brief entry I have nothing to add other than, i have found out how to make things BOLD!




3:We live in Howland House.

