June 19, 2014


Lucy Knisley’s ‘Relish’ graphic novel I ordered from Amazon finally arrived today! I’ve only gone through the first few parts but I am so irrevocably in love with the book. A shoutout to fezr for tempting me to buying it :D Yesterday was a tumultuous one, I did nothing productive but this baby busted me out of that gloom I’ve got festered in my head and I at least mustered some enthusiasm to make me a decent brunch. This is just a simple baked eggs dish, but I suggest you take a look at all the eggy goodness from Bon Appetit for inspiration or motivation to get your butt into that kitchen.

Honestly, I’ve yet to finish this book. I read a few pages at a time, like a nibble of a good large almond cookies. Trying out a few of the recipes as I went through it.

(via )

2:33am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZB-AZy1J3RC1b
Filed under: Lucy Knisley Relish